EHRD 15-05-2008

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EHRD 15-05-2008

Post by flying_kiwi »

Today's busy list, including one who snuck in during the night:

0300/....... GLF5 N235DX N235DX/_____ NRT/XXX
......./0810 AT43 F-HMTO _____/FHMTO XXX/NCL
......./0935 BE40 CS-DMR _____/NJE138P XXX/MAN
......./1040 C56X D-CLLL _____/AUF231 XXX/CIA
......./1125 H25B EI-GEM _____/HYR25A XXX/ARN
1320/1710 F2TH OE-HKY JAG26/26 STN/KBP
1455/1910 H25B CS-DNV NJE5QL/5QL LCY/XXX
1505/1700 BE40 CS-DMH NJE4PK/4PK LBG/XXX
1540/....... AT43 F-HMTO FHMTO/_____ NCL/XXX
......./1625 C56X G-IPAX _____/GOJ15HA XXX/BMA
......./1650 C550 G-OJMW _____/GOJMW XXX/LCY
......./1705 C56X G-OMEA _____/MCE15B XXX/LCY
1725/....... LJ45 CS-TFI RTE53/_____ AMS/XXX
1825/....... PA34 HB-LMM HBLMM/_____ BQH/XXX
1900/....... CL60 VP-BEJ VPBEJ/_____ ATH/XXX

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Re: EHRD 15-05-2008

Post by MartijnMD11 »

flying_kiwi wrote:Today's busy list, including one who snuck in during the night:

0300/....... GLF5 N235DX N235DX/_____ NRT/XXX

I think this one just left about 20 minutes ago....saw a Gulf coming over.
Could have been the V-11 (which is a Gulf 4, duhh!!!) but I could have been mistaken....

So, ciao!! :lol: MartijnMD11

PS: VLM (.../798F) charter today to Cognac.....mmmm would have been on that flight! ;)
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Re: EHRD 15-05-2008

Post by eudokia »

MartijnMD11 wrote: about 20 minutes ago....saw a Gulf coming over.
Shell GV VP-BSN was in the air at that time
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