Tegel on 31.05.2008
Hi,I have a log from the 31.05.08 betwen 11:00 and 15:30
all have read from the (Besucher Terasse)
73+76,72+18,72+50 all from Heer
70+87,71+01,71+?? all from LTG-63
87+76,+1 8?+?? Bo-105
50+94,50+71,50+69 all from LTG-63 and 50+69 LTG-61
74+06,74+05,74+09 Tiger
78+08,78+07 NH-90
84+28*,84+74,84+39,84+17*,84+42*,84+43*,84+32,84+84,85+08, 84+35*,84+91 +1 8?+?? CH-53,* all have from MTHR-25
82+02,82+03 in Hangar for engien repairs,
MM62201 arr.14:10,dep:15:02
12+07 arr.14:45
Can anywhere help me with the nummbers of the Bo-105 and CH-53