With the purchase of my Canon 30D (last year) I also received de Canon software program Digital Photo Professional (DPP).
I use this s/w to improve my pictures and to convert them from raw to jpg.
I have the following two questions:
1./ How can I remove dust spots with this software? I know it is possible with this Canon Digital Photo Professional software.
2./ Do other people also use this sofware and what is their opinion about the use of this software compared with for example photoshop elements or lightroom. I am rather satisfied with the DPP but never saw any comments on this bulletins about its use. As far as I know Canon delivers this software with every digital SLR so a lot of people should have it in their possession.
Note that I only want to improve my pictures (sharpness, colors, contrast, lighter and darker). I am not interested in smart way to store pictures, manipulating pictures or add fancy borders etc. Just improving is all I want to do.
Thanks for your reaction.