The last two days a major world-wide conference took place in/nearby Stockholm: the 'Iraq Compact Annual Review Conference'.
A large number of participants was expected from about 90 different countries, my guess was that most of them would arrive by plane at Arlanda. Yet, I haven't seen much government/airforce transports... ... did they all came by car??
Just a lot of sun and guys/girls from the police and security.
As Condoleezza Rice showed up the Airforce2 was there, a Iraqi Airbus brought the Iraq prime-minister and just one handfull of other government planes was there. Here a few pics of these days:
#1 Saudi inbound!
#6 Iraqi airbus sunbathing
#7 Saudi gulf with his brother Swedish gulf
#8 Condoleezza entering her ship again
#9 Two from the same family: birds