EDDR collection

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EDDR collection

Post by Mathy22 »

I want to show you some pictures taken in the last weeks at Saarbrücken Airport. A small civilian filed, but with some very nice photo-points. Here there are:
Air Berlin D-ABBW on final RWY09

a similar one taking-off RWY 27

night shoots are also great

Luxair is a common sight here. several times a day with Dash-8Q-400

Royal Thai Air Force Boeing 737-400

NIKI A-320

EC-ISI of Nouvelair one can see every saturday

Nice visitor was this 1972 built Bell 212 from Chile

and another Luxair

another night-shoot

Cirrus Airlines sold its only ERJ-145 D-ACIR to Lagunair. Here at Saarbrücken shortly before delivery to Spain
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Post by Key »

Great job, Matthias. You have been the one putting EDDR on the map in Scramble for quite some time now, and I enjoy you doing it in the forum as well. Got some great images in there.

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Re: EDDR collection

Post by canberra »

Mathy22 wrote:A small civilian filed, but with some very nice photo-points.
And some nice aircraft too!! The Chilian Huey and the ex Cirrus Embraer are great!
But where are all the nice bizjets going in and out of EDDR, I don't mind if they might be based or semi-based :P

All the best, Michael
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Post by adz »

Excellent shots, I like the first one and the Chilean helo best. Keep 'em coming!
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