Weather was very nice, the sun was low with some high clouds, the wind was easterly so landing on 06.
In sequence of landing:
J-002 F-16AM 312sq BURST01
J-062 F-16AM 322sq BURST02
J-001 F-16AM 312sq
J-005 F-16AM 311sq STING03
J-515 F-16AM 311sq STING01
J-... F-16AM FLAME01 made a landing on 06R
Lynx AH7 AAC119
FB21 F-16BM BAF231, made two ILS approaches
J-013 F-16AM 312sq AG02, QRA with live missiles
J-199 F-16AM 311sq AG01, QRA with live missiles
J-057 F-16AM 311sq FLAME02
Overhead, an interception of a USAF C-17 by two F-16s COBRA01 and COBRA02 could be seen.
Flying was at FL270 in SE direction. Afterwards the F-16s did some exercises overhead followed by rtb to Leeuwarden.
Furtermore, an A380 Emirates flew overhead (1140LT) and an AWACS (1150LT).
Acccording other threads the Lynx could be XZ654 by SBS-1, it flew to Gilze Rijen and from there to Woensdrecht for a fullstop.
J-001 was part of the Sting Flight as well. The missing Flame was be the J-017. Furthermore tricycle J-368 was towed around and in the afternoon a Wildcat was performing a TACAN/low approach. After a midfield hard left closely past the Tower moved on for a TACAN to Eindhoven.
The afternoon was more of the same F-16's.
Apart from a lone agitated security guard who threatened with calling the KMAR (and he supposedly did he said but none showed up), great light for photography, especially in the morning.