During a recent spotters trip, I visited Orange. The night before I could hear the Mirages still flying untill about 22:00hrs and after which a helicopter departed (AS.555?), but it was to dark to make any of it. The day after started slow and only four delta's took to the sky. Shortly after the last one landed they called it a day...too bad you can see the end is near for this fine base!
7 October 2009
(361)/33-TJ Mirage 3RD ex ER33 fire dump
106/MN TBM.700A CEV full stop
12/115-OH Mirage 2000C EC02.005
16/115-OX Mirage 2000C EC02.005
523/115-KJ Mirage 2000B EC02.005
526/115-YP Mirage 2000B EC02.005
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