Despite of the bad weather and the mosquito's, We enjoy ourselves. Here's our LOG of the 14th from 13:00 til 18:00Hours
Locals 86AW:
C-21A: 84-0082 76AS landed
84-0084 76AS landed
84-0085 76AS took off
84-0110 76AS landed
C-130E: 62-1833/RS 37AS
62-1835/RS 37AS took off together with 72-1229 for local flight
62-1847/RS 37AS
63-7825/RS 37AS
63-7834/RS 37AS
63-7884/RS 37AS
72-1299/RS 37AS took off together with 62-1835 for local flight
C-130J: 08-8602/RS 37AS/86OG Commander
C-5B: 87-0029 9AS/436AW
87-0042 21AS/60AMW
87-0044 21AS/60AMW shelter area
C-17A: 93-0604 437AW landed to shelter area
00-0180 62AW landed
03-3115 183AS/172AW took off
03-3116 183AS/172AW landed
04-4136 305AMW
05-5142 729AS/452AMW
06-6159 21AS/60AMW took off
07-7179 21AS/60AMW
C-20E: 87-0140 HQ US ARMY Eu landed
C-130H: 90-1794 50AS/19AW
92-0549 50AS/19AW
C-130J: 97-1351 135AS/135AW
97-1353 135AS/135AW
KC-135R: 60-0331/D 351ARS/100ARW took off
62-3524 106ARS/126ARW
63-8875 117ARS/190ARW
C-27J: 06 LituanianAF
AH-64D? unreadable, 3X in front of the RS hercules ramp behind some sand hills.
Anyone for the serials?
Credit: Erwin,Frank,Menno,Patrick and myself.
Greetz Elvin.