Today Katwijk hosted the annual SAR demo, which always takes place on the first Saturday in August. Participating helicopters usually operate from the beach boulevard, while demonstations commonly take plase over the beach and shoreline.
This year the participation of a German Navy Sea King was cancelled only a few days prior to the event, so a Dutch Lynx and EC135 there the only flying assets this year.
The local lighthouse is a favorite spot for photographers, but this year I chose to stay in the dunes and on the pavement. Between 10.00 - 11.00 hrs I shot the next photos. Hope you like them.

1. Although this Lynx seems to be flying really low over the dunes, it is actually landing on the boulevard hidden just out of view below.

2. After a parachute drop the participating Lynx did some winching over the beach. From the dunes it made a nice shot with an unusual background.

3. "Lifeliner 2" is the EC135 trauma helicopter operating from the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. Today it participated in SAR demo in Katwijk.