Instead of eight I also found a number nine.
Japan’s finest: Nyutabaru
No aggressors flying/present but instead we got Chitose Eagles
Next April/May, Japan is on my to do list again. Than I will make a more complete overview.
Base surroundings
Surroundings Spot 1
Viewing direction a
Spot 1a)
Spot 1: F-4EJ 185mm
Spot 1: F-5DJ 250mm
Spot 1: T-4 280mm
Surroundings Spot 2
Viewing direction b to e
Spot 2b)
Spot 2c)
Spot 2d)
Spot 2e)
Spot 2: C-130H 240mm
Spot 2: F-15J 400mm
Spot 2: F-4EJ 375mm
Spot 2: F-4EJ 640mm
Spot 2: T-4 500mm
Surroundings Spot 3
Viewing direction f to k
Spot 3f)
Spot 3g)
Spot 3h)
Spot 3i)
Spot 3j)
Spot 3k)
Spot 3: F-15DJ 420mm
Spot 3: F-15DJ 640mm
Spot 3: F-15J 375mm
Spot 3: RF-4E 440mm
Surroundings Spot 4 and 5
Viewing direction l to q
Spot 4l)
Spot 4m)
Spot 4n)
Spot 4o)
Spot 4p)
Spot 4q)
Spot 4: F-15DJ 480mm
Spot 4: T-4 640mm
Spot 5: F-15J 320mm