seen at this small but nice open day, were the following:
09217/17 Hkp9A
09220/20 Hkp9A
39208/208 JAS-39C
39278/278 JAS-39C
35556/56 J35J F10 markings (currently stored)
Gate guard
32094/Yellow P A32A F14 markings
03316 Hkp3C (with boom of 03313/53)
06050/50 Hkp6B
37428/28 JA37DI F4 markings
39-4/4 JAS-39
60002/02 Sk60C F7 markings
60009/09 Sk60C 3rd Sqn. (F10) markings
60049/49 Sk60B F5 markings