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wow- you look to be a very frustrated person...marcel32us wrote:@ topgun 1984
1. I do sometimes have something positive to say, but I only do it if I have something substantial to add, or if the pics at hand are so extremely great, that I will say it even though I don't have anything to add.
2. Most of the times when I see something that annoys me, I keep my mouth shut, but sometimes people go too far. In this case I sincerely ask myself why these pics are posted. What do these people think we all want to see? And please don't tell me I don't have to look. If you post pics on a board you want people to look at them.
3. If the pics of the open days are all the same it will annoy me, but if the pics posted are of reasonable quality I will keep my mouth shut. If however the quality (objectively seen) will suck, I might not be able to control my emotionsand will react to that.
Since this goes off topic again, I will not respond here anymore, but might in the Photography forum.
PS: See Y'all at the spottersday, making the same pics as everyone else, but attempting to make 'm a little better then the rest
PPS: Why do you ask me why I always post negative comments, and never ask people why they always post useless pics?
I am sorry stevezx, but Marcel has a point. The intentions of the photographers are no doubt good, it just serves no purpose to post the same kind of shot, with obvious imperfections, three times. There are and have been lengthy discussions on this board about posting imperfect shots and the consensus most of the times has been that we should all try to reduce the amount of pictures and try to post the best quality only. Of course newsworthy shots are welcome, as the first one was.stevezx-12r wrote:wow- you look to be a very frustrated person...
I completely agree with Erwin and Marcel!ehusmann wrote:I am sorry stevezx, but Marcel has a point. The intentions of the photographers are no doubt good, it just serves no purpose to post the same kind of shot, with obvious imperfections, three times. There are and have been lengthy discussions on this board about posting imperfect shots and the consensus most of the times has been that we should all try to reduce the amount of pictures and try to post the best quality only. Of course newsworthy shots are welcome, as the first one was.stevezx-12r wrote:wow- you look to be a very frustrated person...
Besides whether or not Marcel was right, we all should be open to criticism as well. If you post pictures on a public forum, expect comments on it. The person making the comment should try not to be too harsh (which in my opinion Marcel wasn´t), but the poster of the pictures should be able to accept that imperfect pictures will get negative comments.
stevezx-12r wrote:marcel32us wrote:@ topgun 1984
1. I do sometimes have something positive to say, but I only do it if I have something substantial to add, or if the pics at hand are so extremely great, that I will say it even though I don't have anything to add.
2. Most of the times when I see something that annoys me, I keep my mouth shut, but sometimes people go too far. In this case I sincerely ask myself why these pics are posted. What do these people think we all want to see? And please don't tell me I don't have to look. If you post pics on a board you want people to look at them.
3. If the pics of the open days are all the same it will annoy me, but if the pics posted are of reasonable quality I will keep my mouth shut. If however the quality (objectively seen) will suck, I might not be able to control my emotionsand will react to that.
Since this goes off topic again, I will not respond here anymore, but might in the Photography forum.
PS: See Y'all at the spottersday, making the same pics as everyone else, but attempting to make 'm a little better then the rest
PPS: Why do you ask me why I always post negative comments, and never ask people why they always post useless pics?
I'm quite allright, thank you for caring. I just like a nice discussion every now and then. Oh, and before anyone asks, yes I do think this is a nice discussion. If my comments seem a little harsch sometimes, you should get to know me, this is the moderately friendly mode.stevezx-12r wrote:wow- you look to be a very frustrated person...
I look again and I still see pics of trees with a common plane behind it. Not every-day-common, but not top of the year either. As said if the pic sucks but there's news value, no complaints from me. In this case however, after the first set, the rest is of no value at all.stevezx-12r wrote:look at the post again - he photographed the Herc the first time on the platform with lots of trees, and I understand from his story he actually returned the same evening with a stepladder to get 1 inch more out of the picture. DAMN he has to be a real spotter and is happy to share that with us.
I do like Nusty's work, but what has that to do with this matter? Even with a big lens and a million dollars those trees ain't becoming invisible.stevezx-12r wrote:however if you only like shots that are made with a canon 1D with million dollar lenses (I bet you like NustyR's work) that's your thing, but here people like to share their experiences along the fenceline.
Sounds frustrated to me.stevezx-12r wrote:I was actually standing on the platform where the Herc was being parked, but I am not allowed to make pics (Herc looked really nice though).
If that had been true, they would have posted the Herc while landing, now wouldn't they? Apart from that I think it's great these people still do what I did when I still had the time, that doesn't mean however that they can't keep some pics for mersonal memories that not everybody has to see.stevezx-12r wrote:The aircraft spotters are on the fenceline during all hours of flight ops and in all weather
I prefer operational conditions personally, but if there's an oportunity maybe once a year to get my kicks in a somewhat easier way, I'll join.stevezx-12r wrote:so if you want to make the picture perfect shots standing in line with the 399 other guys (and girls ?!?) in a enclosure where the airforce just makes sure you have the best seat in the house and entertains you all day - go ahead! I know I will be helping the all weather enthousiasts to get the best shots the upcoming airshow...
[/quote]stevezx-12r wrote:relax man...now let me look at some of your pics...
edit : oops - I did, and pretty funny you comment on other people's pics not beeing up to standardtry to focus
[/quote]marcel32us wrote:I moved this discussion to a more appropriate forum, hope everybody finds it again.
edit : oops - I did, and pretty funny you comment on other people's pics not beeing up to standardtry to focus
Must have been a ghost I saw.stevezx-12r wrote: Guess you just found the reason I do not post on the forum![]()
I don't know who told you my photographing skills are outstanding, I for sure didn't. My skills in selecting pics that haven't been shown yet is doing pretty good though (even though improvement is allways possible).stevezx-12r wrote:I just think it is funny the way this whole thing is seen / commented from your side of the fence - that's all.to your outstanding photographing skills : OUT
Ach jongens,vuurwerkreeshof wrote:Aangezien het in dit topic ook toegestaan is om Nederlands te praten ga ik maar even in het Nederlands verder...
Ik en Jimmy zijn natuurlijk erg trots op het feit dat wij als eerste de eerste arrival van de Open Dagen 2010 hebben kunnen platen. Je zou ons als een stelletje gekken rond de basis hebben moeten zien rijden. Ik ben onderweg met me scooter gevallen en ook bij Jimmy ging het niet helemaal goedMaar uiteindelijk kwamen we bij de 10 terecht en we waren blij dat we toch nog een glimp konden opvangen van de C-130H. Onze foto's lijken dan misschien wel erg op elkaar, maar het zijn maar 3 foto's die op elkaar lijken. Als het nou echt veel dezelfde foto's waren dan had ik je misschien wel begrepen Marcel, maar ik vind het toch echt erg jammer dat je er zo chagerijnig op moest reageren. Maar aan de andere kant had ik ook wel kunnen verwachten zulke reacties te krijgen op een forum met een hoop jaloerse spotters
Ik ben trouwens ook wel benieuwd hoe dat volgende week nou moet, wanneer er tientallen foto's zullen verschijnen die uit dezelfde hoek zijn genomen
So? Als je bedoelt te zeggen dat meneer 2 niet wist dat meneer 1 al gepost had, meen ik uit het bijschrift af te leiden dat hij daarvan wel op de hoogte was.Redskin wrote: First of all, the first two almost identical shots were posted only 2 minutes after each other.
Dan herken je me tenminste volgende week op de open dagenRedskin wrote:Second, Marces, try posting some positive comments as well, the negative ones will be accepted better. Now you look like a grumpy old man.![]()
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