Hallo allemaal,
Nog even en dan begint weer de 4-Daagse van Nijmegen. Ik ga hem voor de 6de maal weer lopen.
Ik ga vandaag al richting Nijmegen om wat te proeven van het feestgebeuren want vanaf dinsdag heb ik er helaas geen tijd voor.
Ik zal proberen om mijn waarnemingen door te geven en als jullie iets hebben dan zie ik dat heel graag. De verrekijker gaat in iedergeval mee in de rugzak.
Greetz Elvin Cornelissen.
Noted whilst marching, not that much to report this year...
Tuesdag 20/7 @ Oosterhout:
Alouette III A-292
Wednesday 21/7 @ Wijchen:
CH-47D D-... overhead. I'm pretty sure I saw another Chinook somewhere but can't remember which day or where. Heat can do that to you.
Wednesday 21/7 @ Beuningen:
Alouette III A-... overhead. I was standing at attention at the time so not able to grab the small monocular out of my backpack.
Friday 23/7 @ Cuijk:
Alouette III A-301
F-16's were very active during the whole week. So where the powered parachutes which were pretty annoying humming overhead the military rest areas.
Hi everyone,
unfortunatly it was to crowdy at Heumensoord for posting day by day at the internetcafe but the good news is that i finished the 4 day marches and got the silver medal with crown (6X). Here are my notes this week.
At monday a lot of gliders (More than 10) flew above Heumensoord, Here a few of them:
Al-III A-292 300Sqn
5X F-16
Powerchute PH-9J6
Cessna 172? white c/s with orange nose and tail Towing