CH-47D 298Sq: Grizzly 91, Grizzly 51, Grizzly 45, Grizzly 34 (D-101, D-106)
AS532U2 300Sq: Wildcat 13 (S-440).
SA316B 300Sq: -
AH-64D 301Sq: Bat 75 (Q-19), Redskin 34 (Q-19), Redskin 21 (Q-22), Redskin 33 (Q-22).
1.Diamond 16 inbound initial runway 10 followed by one touch and go
480C24 L-04 DIAM16 2010-10-08 10:07:15 PC-7 Netherlands 131EMVOsqn Naaldwijk, NL
3730 800
2.Diamond 12 for an ILS runway 28 followed by a touch and go with a climb out to Woensdrecht > (EHEH / EHWO, TACAN ILS runway 07)
480C29 L-09 DIAM12 2010-10-08 10:45:47 PC-7 Netherlands 131EMVOsqn Alphen aan den Rijn, NL 3732 2000