Today's movements
G-GMAA Learjet 45 Gama Aviation Ltd GMA888 arr 0822 from EGLF dep as GMA885 at 0930
N909MM Falcon 2000EX Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins dep 0825
G-SJSS CL605 TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd arr 0832 dep 0904 to EGJB?
CS-DXK Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE858L dep 0925
CS-DFX 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE951B arr 0953 dep as NJE838Q at 1406
CS-DFZ 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE308T arr 0956 dep 1057 as NJE391D
N37172 Be350 arr 1022 from EGKB dep 104?
G-CEDK Ce750 arr 1027 dep 1105
CS-DR? 125 Hawker 800XPi Netjets Europe NJE798Y dep around 1040(ish)
OE-HCB Falcon 2000 dep 1202
CS-DXE Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE807L dep 1205
N410M G-V Executive Jet Mangement EJM410 arr 1249 dep 1502 to CYQX (Gander Int'l)
VQ-BGN G-550 dep 1349 to LFMN
N274JC G-200 Galaxy arr 1355 Nightstop
CS-DLC Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE623G arr 1459
D-CFGG Learjet 36A Quick Air Jet Charter GmbH ???540 arr 1545
G-SJSS CL605 TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd arr 1746 dep 1806 to EGLF