This stored helicopter was already mentioned in the Helispot in Scramble 346 (March 2008):
MBB BO105CBS5 S-874 D-HIII DRF – Deutsche Rettungsflugwacht. On 27 January 2008, noted at Baden Airpark with Expatcair Rescue titles. DRF is a technical partner of Expatcarehealth, a health maintenance organisation in Nigeria.
The helicopter is stored since!
remco n'gein wrote:Good day.
Can someone tell me if this serial is correct.
On 10-10-2010 visit Baden-Baden airpark where stood some wfu DRF helicopters. One of them Bo105 stood with Serial D-HIII, this serial stood on the tail with duck-tape and not as the rest at the end of the tail where the tail-rotor is. On fuselage stood "expatcare rescue"
groet remco