Pending forum closure

ImageDedicated forum for the TLP at Albacete, but also including other movements and news from here.
This is an extension to our TLP pages at
This forum will be archived within a few weeks, meaning it will not be visible to users anymore.

Moderator: Piet Luijken

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Pending forum closure

Post by Key »

Hi all,

Despite Piet's relentless efforts to blow enough life into this subforum, it turns out Albacete is just too far away for our regular crowd to make it work this way at our Message Board. Therefore, this subforum will be closed at the end of 2010, and Albacete will get its own 'year topic' in Spotting Europe. Obviously, we hope the attention for the TLP and its new home will stay at least at the same level as it is now.

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Joris van Boven
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Re: Pending forum closure

Post by Joris van Boven »

Thanks to Piet and all the others thet contributed.
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Re: Pending forum closure

Post by Key »


As announced, this forum is now closed. For new Albacete items, please use the year-topic in the parent forum.

Climb to 20ft, we're leaving a dust trail

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