Some help asked about civil aircraft types

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Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by Felipe »

Hi there..

As a military aviation spotter i'm not really in to the civil types. I'm wandering about some forums with pictures etc.. and must say.. it's starting to come. The most Boeing and Airbus types become well known but the most tricky ones are the small airbusses.

Who can tell me, or show me with pictures, the most exterior differences between the A318, A319, A320 and A321.

Thanx in advance..
Hans Rolink
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Re: Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by Hans Rolink »

Fuselage length. The A318 is the shortest, the A321 the longest.

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Re: Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by Polecat »

You can also order a EuroJP book and see what type belongs to a serial :-) But I have to admit that telling the difference between 737 subversions or even the 319-320 is hard to tell sometimes, depending on angle.....
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Re: Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by EHAM »

A318 one small emergency exit
A319 usually one small emergency exit (lowcost companies may have two)
A320 two small emergency exits next to each other
A321 two large emergency exits separated from each other
Hope this helps you too.
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Re: Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by Antheii »


How I usually keep them apart;
  • A321 - longest version. 2 emergency exits on each side, but apart from each other, putting them both outside the wing-roots.
  • A320 - original version, also with two emergency exits, but next to each other, placing them above the wings.
  • A319 - shorter version, only one emergency exit, above the door. Exception are some lowcost carriers (eg easyJet) who fly with two exits on each side like the 320.
  • A318 - shortest version, as such easy recognizable, also one exit on each side, but with an extreme large vertical tailplane.
Polecat wrote:You can also order a EuroJP book and see what type belongs to a serial :-)
Or you check ;-)

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Re: Some help asked about civil aircraft types

Post by Felipe »

thanx.. will.look into it tommorow.. this should help..

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