here is a list of all the Red Flag 11-2 players
A-10 KC 303FS 78-0605/303FS, 78-0631, 79-0093, 79-0109,
79-0114, 79-0118, 79-0121, 79-0122/442FW,
79-0123, 79-0164, 80-0201
B-1 EL 34BS 85-0060, 85-0081, 85-0084, 86-0111,
B-52 LA 96BS 60-0021, 60-0032, 60-0062, 61-0036
C-130H Belgium CH-07, CH-11
C-130H Flying Vikings 96AS 92-3282, 92-3284, 92-3285
E-3 OK white 81-0005
multi 79-0003
F-15C OT 85TES 84-0018, 85-0126/85TES, 86-0170
422TES 82-0022, 83-0014, 83-0026
F-16C SP 480FS 90-0833, 91-0342, 91-0351, 91-0360, 91-0361,
91-0403, 91-0407, 91-0481d, 92-3918, 91-0472d,
96-0080, 96-0083
F-16C SW 77FS 91-0345, 93-0536, 97-0108
55FS 91-0381 these 4 SWs were on loan to the 480FS
F-16E UAE 1 sqn 3017f, 3020f, 3027, 3038, 3047, 3057, 3064, 3079
KC-135 McConnell 22ARW 58-0071
KC-135 Pennsylvania 171ARW 58-0112 first week only
59-1504 second week only
KC-135 Tennessee 54ARS 58-0119, 59-1448
these are the aggressors that participated
F-15C WA 65AGRS 78-0480, 78-0489, 78-0502, 78-0503, 78-0511,
78-0517, 78-0520, 78-0528, 78-0543, 79-0012d
65AGRS flew the second week only
F-16C WA 64AGRS 83-1159, 84-1220, 84-1236, 84-1244/57ATG,
85-1301, 85-1418, 86-0220, 86-0251, 86-0271,
86-0273, 86-0283, 86-0291, 87-0307, 87-0321
pictures of all can be seen here ... 901593026/