Dit waren Torren van Buchel. Waarschijnlijk de GAF E11A,B (46+21 & 44+79). Daarvoor waren de GAF E12A, B (45+04 & 44+02) actief op Vlieland, deze gingen om 11:30 weer richting de Dijk outbound.Tiger81 wrote:04-08 +/- 12:15LT
2x Tornado
Made at least 3 runs
Seen from Texel
SBS-1 showed FA119 and FB24.Stephan Lodewijks wrote:'BAF 411' was active at the range this morning, roughly between 0930-1000LT. This was one F-16 of 10 Wg, Kleine Brogel. It entered Dutch airspace inbound Eindhoven's TACAN at around 0915LT and navigated to the north at FL040. It left our country for Belgium at around 1015LT.
I stand corrected, apparently this was a formation of two...Spine24 wrote:SBS-1 showed FA119 and FB24.
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