Spend sometime at the fence on this summerday 26 degree,s .
Straight from the book.
Only movers where noted.
Beside,s a lot of heathhaze also these where logged.
165159 CW-159 C-130T US Navy arr/dep
5630 C-130J Norway arr/dep
144614 CC-144 Canada dep
86-0019 C-5A arr
06-8610/RS C-130J arr
08-8604/RS C-130J dep/arr
84-0110 C-21 dep
02-1100 C-17 arr
07-7186 C-17 arr
07-7181 C-17 arr
84-0111 C-21 arr
N485EV B-747 arr
84-0081 C-21 arr
07-7170 C-17 arr
84-0082 C-21 arr
While moving from the westwind landing too the eastwindlanding a C-17 departed.
Possible a Mississippi ANG machine.
Greetings Mark and Arno