Lancaster PA474 is expected at Groningen-Eelde Wednesday 4 May from about 15.20 hrs local time , leaving Thursday the 5th of May for Billund around noon/between 11.00-13.00 hrs local time.
Updates may appear at
and/or ,
plus elsewhere on this forum at
A BAe Hawk T1 of 100 Squadron RAF is expected at 11.05 hrs local time on the 4th of May,
leaving Thursday the 5th at 14.00 hrs local time.
Again check the links provided above.
A KLu Cougar for Groningen on May the 5th would most likely land at Sportpark Vinkhuizen to drop off "Moke". A possible ( ) refuel would most likely be done at Eelde however...
See for possible updates as they appear...