Through Google translate, so apologies for the inferior translation...
Leaked plan: shrink to 42 F-16's - Leeuwarden close
Published by at 7:01 under JSF Development
STIENS (FRL) - The plans are ready: the Royal Air Force is being reduced to only 42 F-16 and Leeuwarden touch soon lose its F-16 squadrons. JSFNieuws unveiled plans of CDA and VVD, which must remain secret until after the elections. Thanks to someone who did not want to evade responsibility.
The pieces are of course "confidential" en.slechts a very limited circle spread and known. For a number of underlying documents and files is even harder. The making public of the plans would be a matter to be accurate "timing". The intention was that they at least until after the elections strictly confidential nature with a view to the forthcoming elections.
Selected scenario: to 42 F-16
After becoming available in 2011 from the U.S. of new financial data on the JSF about price, ancillary costs and costs for maintenance, modifications in time for use and support the conclusion was internally at PV F-16 and later, well, a niveautje "higher, we need to count.
It was commissioned for the preparation of various scenarios with 2 Main Operating Bases (MOB), Volkel and Leeuwarden, with 1 MOB (Volkel or Leeuwarden), or 1 MOB with a reserve base, all kinds of data is herein involved, such as numbers, flight hours, training scenarios, collaboration, numbers of people, basic maintenance, recovering effects lift base, noise and environmental effects, etc.
The final scenario with greatest potential for savings and financial parameters within given optimal operational capabilities:
- Reducing the number of fighter aircraft F ¬ 16 of 68 to 42
- Going out of 1 airbase, near Leeuwarden,
- This must begin between 2014 and 2016
Many other scenarios fall off. Lack of savings potential.
Cause: the arrival of the F-35
It is remarkable that just the F-35, which the future of our Air Force should be ensured for the coming decades, it is claimed as the main reason for this huge reduction:
Calculations are made that because (in spring 2011 revised) budget of € 4.5 billion for replacement of the F-16 is only sufficient for a number of 42 F-35A fighter aircraft to purchase. For this reason it is better and the cheapest and this is already anticipating the number of F-16's as soon as possible to reduce to 42. Because this would require 1 airbase sufficient, an airbase be closed.
A quote: "The replacement of the F-16 is a major fiscal risk for the Defense budget if selected for the Lockheed F-35A. This not only by rising investment costs but also by the high operating costs. "
But is clear: because of the investments already made to abandon the JSF is not an option. There are, therefore, no actual calculations made.
Keeping quiet until after election
Why should this remain indoors and all who were involved in drawing up and take note of the various scenarios emphatically enjoined: confidential. Very clear. Internally, this two reasons: firstly, the total demolition of the Royal Air Force in the rank of the VVD and CDA great resistance calls, tough votes that will cost. It also appears from the documents that the main cause of the unfeasibility and affordability of the F-35's. A confrontation of the failure of the F-35 project is for the VVD and CDA (as politicians) in the coming election period is highly undesirable, especially because one event common to stick to the JSF.
It is undesirable that this theme in this way will play a role in the preparation of the election, during election debates and (inevitably) in coalition talks.
After publication, the political elite will first try to get away with: speculation is unfounded, "just a calculation," or refer 'decision falls in next cabinet period. The hard facts - on paper tell a different story. And the most politically involved in VVD and CDA are aware of the various necessary trade-offs around the replacement of the F-16.
Operational level are not aware
As far as us at this moment is clear from available data and contacts, is emphatically and deliberately chosen to say the plans in "The Hague" to keep. Whatever it takes one seems to want to avoid premature unrest occurs in Leeuwarden. Repeatedly suggested that nothing is wrong, that Leeuwarden is important, there is still some playful neatly done with building plans, changes, etc. As if the coming years will be "business as usual". In Leeuwarden know - especially official - no one.
Industry already informed
There are reasons to think that some "trusted" people inside the industry were well aware, not all the details directly, or more generally "significant reduction compared to current number of F-16's". And a person knows, so around 50 units or less. It is certain that at least two MPs were informed in detail.
This may explain the remarkable activity of Mr Matt Herben, as spokesman for the Dutch JSF suppliers (NIFARP), a month ago. He urged several defense spokesmen from the House as soon as possible already to commit to a smaller number of JSF's. If no one else understands the industry that if it is known that the reduction of the number of F-16's caused by the affordability of the F-35, a serious political discussion can occur in the rank of VVD and CDA. The sooner and the more commitment on the F-35, the safer for the industry. But the choice for a fighter to an industrial project, but the national security!
Mat Herben's concern about his "Henk and Ingrid '
Mr. Herbert is afraid of job losses within the Dutch aviation industry. He forgets that this is primarily a result of delayed U.S. and other orders and because of the high cost and delays. It is cynical for "Henk and Ingrid" in and around Leeuwarden Airbase, which Herbert clearly not afraid of our job. There are direct and indirect (depending how you look) between 1000 and 1500 people for their jobs depend on our base. So it looks now we will lose between 2014 and 2017 hard our job and remain without decent income with a rapidly in value kelderend house sitting in a housing around Leeuwarden who are already flooded with an oversupply of unsold homes (look here but you back). Cynically, it is especially when Herbert (see Leeuwarden Courant, May 10, 2012) suggests that a joint squadron of Belgium, Denmark and Norway in Leeuwarden can be situated. While the plans in the drawer, which prove otherwise. For example, the people on the base sweet and kept quiet. What a fiction, fictions and manipulations!
Increasingly clear since 2005 .......
It has long been clear within the defensietop that it is impossible within the current defense budget earmarked a number of 85 F-35A JSF Lightning II aircraft to purchase. This was already clear in 2005, documents in black and white, show this and here is already published.
On 22 August 2005, the outgoing U.S. ambassador (Sobel) in the Netherlands his opinion about the Netherlands and the U.S. for some important aspects of Dutch policy and how to deal with. He sent this message to the USA:
"Their desire to maximize the military's capabilities and Their preference for U.S. equipment, even When European alternative suppliers exist, the Dutch make strong supporters of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program. (...) Dick Berlin is pushing to lock in an early commitment for 50 planes (out of a total or 85) to preventDefault JSF from Becoming an issue in the 2007 elections. "
By choosing a so-called first batch of 50 aircraft could approach the pain of a smaller number of fighter aircraft in the Royal Air Force shift to the future. By the repeated delays and price increases last year was clear that even a number of around 60 aircraft would be impossible and priceless. The real result is now known.
D ank
Thanks to someone who has taken responsibility JSFNieuws is able to bring this out. Since 2008 we have been able to publish several issues based on data from various countries, for political reasons had to be halted. Fortunately there are people who dare withheld and manipulated the truth to the outside world. Often after much doubt, but because they are not heard or ignored internally. We would like politicians to call for these people when they get into trouble, maximum protection.
We call people within the Royal Air Force at all levels to respond towards politicians, influence on local and provincial departments of political organizations, electoral programs:
- The demolition of the Royal Air Force to stop
- Leeuwarden must remain open
- There should be considered an appropriate level of ambition in Netherlands
- And a matching yacht racing component of sufficient size
- Feasible and affordable for the long term
Royal Air Force comes to your future! Colleagues, BD-ers. Act now! Be silent no longer!
Note: This message is free on other websites, newspapers or wholly or partly acquired. We would appreciate it if you mentioned this website as the source.
JSFNieuws120530 / "Spirit"