Moves noted today, partly cloudy, 19C (RW25 was in use)
I-UBCT Falcon 2000 arr 1046 Nightstop
G-WLVS Falcon 2000EX arr 1126 dep 1235 returned at 1655 dep 1728 to EGGW
CS-DXR Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE059R arr 1252 from EGNV
G-CEDK Ce750 arr 1324 dep 1344
G-EPGI Ce560XLS arr 1435 (First Visit)
G-SNZY Learjet 40XR TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd MHN445 arr 1459 dep 1544
A7-RZC CL605 (C/n 5759) Rizon Jet BSC arr 1505 for a Nightstop
D-CQAJ Learjet 35A ....740 arr 1523 dep 16??
G-CBRG Ce560XLS Eurojet Ltd GOJ117A/B arr 1717 dep 1650 to EGGW
M-YNNS Falcon 7X arr 1828
D-CTRL Learjet 35A ?YY912 arr 1902 dep 1952