I've a question about this exercise on Schleswig-Jagel.
On Scramble SIS summary i read that the Forceval exercise ends on 01-03-2013.
When i go down on this same page i see it ends on 03-03-2013 (see below)
11-02/03-03 Schleswig-Jagel, D
2x EF2000 GAF JBG31
2x Tornado IDS GAF JBG33
25-02/03-03 Schleswig-Jagel, D
6x EF2000 GAF JG74
4x Tornado ECR GAF AG51 (ex JBG32)
+ Tornado IDS GAF AG51
4x Tormado IDS GAF JBG33
I would think so, if I understand the German newsitem correctly. The flying that took place until 22 February was in preparation for the actual Forceval, a kind of "examination".
We arrived at 11:00 and immediately two Buchel Tornado's showed up on approach, full recovery of the morning mission was before 12:00. Don't believe we have missed much more in the morning.
The afternoon mission started around 14:00, we left the field at 15:30 and believe that the mission was fully launched by then.
At 13:15 a single JG 74 Typhoon 30+40 left for a local (test?) flight, landed at about 14:00h.
In the sheds near the entrance two Tornado's could be seen, one could not be read, the other one being towed into the shed around 11.10h was the 46+51.
During the launch of the afternoon wave two more Tornado's could be seen being towed across the field!