During a short trip to Lithuania I had the opportunity the visit the national aviation museum at Kaunas-Aleksotas/S Dariaus airport. Besides the aircraft mentioned below, there where several gliders and other small aircraft. Museum is based at the former international airport, on the wall a classic huge stone engraved map of the former USSR with the Aeroflot route-map.
LY-HBQ Ka-26 Policija
612 TS11 Poland AF
06 yellow Mi-2 Lithuania AF
34 white An-14 Russia AF
CCCP-70224 An-2
01 blue L-39 Lithuanian AF
04 yellow Mi-2 Lithuanian AF
05 yellow Mi-2 Lithuanian AF
06 yellow An-24 Lithuanian AF (formed regs clearly visible, LY-AAI and CCCP-46444)
"95 yellow" MiG-21 Russia AF
08 red L-29 Russia AF
12 blue Mi-8 Lithuanian AF
02 white Ka-26 Policija
LY-HBQ, 612 and 06y are preserved inside in good condition, the other aircraft are preserved outside in less fortunate conditions.
The An-14 and Ka-26 O2w are in some kind of storage area.
The Mi-8 misses part of his tail, and has all kind of bumps, accident?
The MiG-21 is painted in a green/brown c/s, without any markings.
The An-2 has a special story as it was used in the strugle for Lithuanian independence during the colapse of the USSR, and restored in this state after it was used by a local flyling club as LY-AGF.
Best regards,