Visited the base this PM:
A400M 0065/F-RBAM dep as CTM2039 15.45hrs
Falcon 50 SURMAR 36 landed ca 15.30hrs
Falcon 50SURMAR 30 was spotted in front of hangar H46 and also the 36 was read from spot 3.
At the Securite Civile EC-145 F-ZBQJ was photographed at this ramp.
At 17.00hrs a ALT.2 was seen landing but I just left the base.
At 17.35hrs a Xingu came in
Seen on ADSB dep 09.45hrs was FNY5117 ATL.2 (28)
Preserved was seen the Alize far north of terminal and Neptune could be seen partly. Atlantic 7 near Sec Civile could not be found.
Anyone info on those please?