L16-3/52 60315 ATR72-212A RTAF 603 Sqn COWBOY04 arr 10:24 from VTPP dep 15:55 to VTPP
35184 Beech 350i Royal Thai Police RTP184 arr 16:48 from VTCT dep 17:52 to VTBD
35186 Beech 350i Royal Thai Police RTP186 arr 18:05 from VTSR dep 19:04 to VTBD
L8-12/35 60112 C-130H-30 RTAF 601 Sqn LUCKY619 arr 10:21 from VTBD dep 10:58 to VTUD
35184 Beech 350i Royal Thai Police RTP184 arr 09:43 from VTBD dep 16:42 to VTBD
35186 Beech 350i Royal Thai Police RTP186 arr 14:09 from VTBD dep 14:41 to VTBD
28064 CN235M-200 Royal Thai Police RTP064 arr 21:18 from VTSF dep 08th/09:35 to VTBD
35186 Beech 350i Royal Thai Police RTP186 arr 09:23 from VTBD dep 10:33 to VTCT
L15-1/47 60202 A319-115X CJ RTAF 602 Sqn WIHOK02 arr 14:01 from VTPI dep 14:08 to VTPP
L16-3/52 60315 ATR72-212A RTAF 603 Sqn COWBOY02 arr 10:33 from VTPP dep 11:15 to VTBD
33742 Falcon 2000S Royal Thai Police RTP742 arr 13:45 from VTPM dep 14:04 to VTBD
L18-1/59 60206 SU-95-100 RTAF 602 Sqn WIHOK06 arr 08:31 from VTBD dep 09:12 to VTPP
33742 Falcon 2000S Royal Thai Police RTP742 arr 13:09 from VTUW dep 15:24 to VTBD