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Clermont-Ferrand: why the announced retirement of Transall raises concerns
The information fell on June 3: the famous Transall military aircraft will no longer stop at the Atelier Industrielle de l'Aéronautique (AIA) for its maintenance in Clermont-Ferrand. It has been over 50 years since the aircraft came to AIA. Officers heard the news with great concern.
Tuesday, June 8, at the Clermont-Ferrand industrial aeronautical workshop, a C-160 Transall took off. Officers saw what could be the penultimate specimen of this military transport aircraft from their homes. A heartbreak for those who worked on it. Thomas Chabrier, mechanic, says: “ We all looked at each other a bit, saying that it was the last time we worked together. It's really complicated
After more than 50 years of good and loyal service, the Transall will retire. His departure was scheduled for 2018. Thomas Chabrier continues: “ We were used to the fact that it is postponed every year. We had been told about a last team. We were waiting for all the names of those who were going to be assigned to the Transall and there, nobody expected that. Really nobody ”.