CS-CHE CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE263W/257L arr 16:14 from LFPB dep 27th/10:14 to LSZH
CS-LTM Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE922E arr 17:51 from EDDL dep 18:35 to EHAM
HB-JIT Global 7500 Albinati Aeronautics LUC1 arr 17:32 from LSGG dep 27th/14:09 to KBED
N131DS G650ER DS V Aviation LLC TWY131 arr 12:12 from KSJC dep 12:54 to EGLF
N542AP G600 AMS Ltd TWY500 arr 09:57 from EGJJ dep 10:40 to EGLF
N650WS G650ER TVPX Aircraft Solutions arr 16:56 from OERK dep 29th/11:16 to KTEB
OO-PRM Cessna 510 Air Service Liège arr 15:18 from EBAW dep 16:13 to EBAW