Active on 13.12. with the LTG 62 fleet were A400M 54+28 and 54+31.
Visiting were:
Eurofighter GS 31+44 of TLwG 71 and C-160D 50+36 of LTG 63 while 50+55 performed two touch and go´s in the morning. NH90TTH 79+30 of IntHubAusbZ did an overshoot.
Arriving back from Manching on 22.12. after it´s check was A400M 54+12 and this ends the dramatic shortage of aircrafts for LTG 62 due to Airbus´ too slow maintenance procedures (at Madrid, Sevilla and Manching) in the last months. All in all in December the following 18 aircrafts were active:
54+06, 54+07, 54+08, 54+11, 54+12, 54+14, 54+17, 54+18, 54+22 (at Al Azraq) 54+23, 54+28, 54+29, 54+31, 54+32, 54+33, 54+36, 54+37 and 54+38. Most effective A400M still is 54+29 beeing airborne in 25 out of the last 33 months.
Last edited by Herby on 23 Dec 2021, 09:45, edited 2 times in total.
Due to colour state RED at Wunstorf (heavy fog at 200 feet with 100 feet vertical view), 54+07 and 54+37 circled around their base for some time and made several missed approaches, it was decided to land at Leipzig. 54+18 and 54+29 also landed there, coming back from a mission.