84-0062 C-5M 22nd AS 60th AMW RCH779 dep 30th to RJTY
06-6157 C-17A 21st AS 60th AMW RCH105 arr
86-0083 C-12J 459th AS 374th AW MOJO66 arr 13:27 from RJTY dep 15:40 to RJOI
84-00152 C-12U Co A 6-52nd AVN CATS25 arr 11:42 from RKSM dep 13:20 to RKSO
84-00168 C-12U Co A 6-52nd AVN CATS23 arr 12:59 from RKSO dep 13:56 to RKSO
93-00697 RC-12X Co B 3rd Mi Btn (AE) RAIL13 arr 18:11 from RPLC
08-1692 YJ r C-130J-30 36th AS 374th AW TREK31 arr from RJTY
163560 UC-12F AOD Atsugi CNV7323 arr 14:27 from RJOI
165830 -830 C-40A VR-59 CNV7845/7427 arr 14:22 from RPLC dep 30th/12:15 to RJOI
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 24 Apr 2022, 09:59, edited 1 time in total.
86-0083 C-12J 459th AS 374th AW MOJO66 arr 13:29 from RJOI dep 14:23
05-5150 HH C-17A 535th AS HI ANG TREK998 arr 16:31 from RJTY
163562 UC-12F AOD Atsugi CNV7624 arr 14:45 from RJFF dep 15:57
168066 QD-066 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO08 arr 11:28 from RJOI dep 12:54 to RJSM
169535 QD-535 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO58 arr 16:22 from RJOI
169440 -33 CMV-22B VRM-30 Det 1 RUDY33 arr 10:46 from dep 12:12
169441 -34 CMV-22B VRM-30 Det 1 RUDY34 arr 10:43 from dep 12:09
06-6161 C-17A 21st AS 60th AMW E66161 dep 16:51 to PHIK
94-0066 C-17A 62nd AW RCH641 dep 03rd/11:43 to PGUA
165830 -830 C-40A VR-59 CNV7346 arr 14:36 from RJTA dep 03rd/08:38 to WMKP
169535 QD-535 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO58 arr 16:46 from RJTY
84-00152 C-12U Co A 6-52nd AVN CATS44 arr 12:15 from RKSO dep 14:43 to RKSO
163560 UC-12F AOD Atsugi CNV7451 arr 14:50 from RJOI dep 16:03 to RJTA
165830 -830 C-40A VR-59 CNV7346 arr 20:10 from WMKP
165315 AX-315 C-130T VR-53 CNV7709 arr 13:30 from RJTA dep 04th/09:12 to WMKP
169532 QD-532 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO06 arr 11:27 from RJTY dep 15:27 to RJSM
169535 QD-535 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO58 arr 17:25 from RJSM dep 18:13 to RJTA
86-0078 C-12J 459th AS 374th AW MOJO66 arr 20:50 from RJOI
06-6158 C-17A 21st AS 60th AMW RCH670 arr from RJTY
08-3177 YJ r C-130J-30 36th AS 374th AW TREK29 arr from RJSM
164995 AX-995 C-130T VR-53 CNV7987 arr 12:23 from RJTA dep 14:57 to RJOI
16**** (NW)-311 MH-60S HSC-85
05-5150 HH or/y C-17A 535th AS HI ANG TREK914 arr 14:58 dep 18:03
165153 C-20G VMR-1 Det Hawaii GHOST53 arr 17:02 from WPDL
169535 QD-535 KC-130J VMGR-152 SUMO29 arr 19:11 from RJTY dep 11th/10:45 to RJTY