Visiting on 7.2. were NH90TTH 78+28, 78+27 and 78+23 of THRgt 10 and Global 6000 14+05 of FBS BMVg while P-3C CUP 60+08 of MFG 3 making an Touch and Go.
Arriving on 14.04. and presumably staying for several days is P-3C CUP 60+08 of MFG 3. Since this week a third Orion (60+06) is active at last and so 60+08 will get some cleaning at Wunstorf.
Active were eight different LTG 62 A400M on 21.04.:
54+07, 54+08, 54+11, 54+15 (came back from A-Check at Manching, last noted in May 2021), 54+22, 54+29 (back from Dubai, after u/s), 54+31 and 54+37.
In the late evening 54+16 was added as tanker PRIMER2 and ninth A400 of the day for the late flying fighters.
Seen on the ramp in the morning were 54+05, 54+14, 54+16, 54+25, 54+34 plus seven more unidentified.
Propless 54+09 is now in a hangar possibly awaiting restoring to a flying status.
Making one overshoot was EC135T1 82+60 of IntHubschrAusbZ.