CS-LTO Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE796Q/817Y arr 11:39 from EBAW dep 14:40 to EBCI
CS-LTP Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE862P/219E arr 10:43 from LEBL dep 12:44 to LICJ
LX-PCE Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA97X/62R arr 12:21 from EDFB dep 13:09 to EGWU
OO-GLM Cessna 680 Air Service Liège arr 17:01 from EHAM dep 17:28 to EBBR
OO-SLM Cessna 560XLS Luxaviation Belgium AAB678/247 arr 16:00 from LFSB dep 17th/17:17 to EBBR
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 17 Jun 2022, 23:49, edited 1 time in total.
CS-DXO Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE159W/426T arr 16:36 from LSZH dep 18th/08:00 to EGKB
CS-DXP Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE758L/459K arr 10:38 from BIAR dep 14:52 to LFRG
CS-DXS Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE044U/618W arr 12:43 from LEIB dep 14:28 to LHBP
HB-IBJ Falcon 2000LXS CAT Aviation AG CAZ103 arr 13:32 from LIPZ dep 14:25 to LSZH
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 18 Jun 2022, 10:37, edited 1 time in total.
F-HJSL Cessna 525B ixAir IXR618 arr 09:35 from LFPB dep 10:41 to EHAM
LX-DCC Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA arr 10:39 from EBBR dep 11:57 to EGLF
LX-PCD Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA45K/98Y arr 09:17 from EGWU dep 11:01 to EDDF
CS-LTA Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE918E/882H arr 14:01 from LFMN dep 14:27 to EGKB
CS-LTV Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE176T/254U arr 19:49 from EGNH dep 20th/10:49 to EBAW
CS-PHF EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE313H/473K arr 15:51 from LFRG dep 17:39 to EDDM
OE-FHK Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC219M/216K arr 17:27 from EIDW dep 18:27 to EHGG
OO-SLM Cessna 560XLS Luxaviation Belgium AAB247 arr 17:18 from EBBR dep 19:04 to EGWU
CS-CHG CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE308T/652N arr 14:44 from LSZH dep 15:55 to EGWU
CS-CHI CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE169M/574E arr 10:11 from EDDG dep 12:08 to LEMD
CS-LTM Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE178H/049K arr 10:07 from EDDM dep 10:56 to EGLF
CS-LTT Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE498K/367H arr 18:44 from LFPB dep 21st/09:29 to EDDM
CS-PHT EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE016E/035G arr 17:09 from EKRK dep 17:57 to LFPB
D-CAWP Cessna 680A Aerowest GmbH arr 11:03 from LSGG dep 12:18 to LFMN
OE-FNV Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC431L/887M arr 17:56 from LFPB dep 21st/09:46 to EGTC
CS-DXK Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE428L/700Q arr 19:21 from LFBZ dep 22nd/09:04 to EDDF
CS-DXM Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE601R/810B arr 15:30 from EDDB dep 16:47 to EGWU
CS-DXT Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE184F arr 07:27 from EHGG dep 08:57 to LFOK
CS-PHL EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE498K arr 18:34 from EGTK dep 22nd/08:48 to EDDM
F-HEND Cessna 510 AstonJet ASJ832 arr 18:32 from LFPB dep 19:45 to LFPB
OE-FNP Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC205N/311B arr 18:06 from EDDN dep 22nd/09:31 to EGJJ
CS-CHA CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE253T/052K arr 19:00 from LSGG dep 23rd/08:42 to EGWU
CS-DXT Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE451L/021R arr 19:35 from EDDF dep 23rd/15:17 to EGLF
CS-PHU EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE085R/961M arr 15:39 from EGGD dep 17:20 to LFMD
D-AGBF Falcon 7X VW Air Service BTX6F arr 10:22 from EIDW dep 11:02 to EGGW
F-HEND Cessna 510 AstonJet ASJ464 arr 15:09 from LFPB dep 16:13 to LFRH
CS-DXS Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE239E arr 19:22 from LDSP dep 24th/09:15 to EGPD
CS-PHF EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE864K/214L arr 11:08 from EDMO dep 12:31 to EHTW
SE-DZP Pilatus PC-24 Svenskt Industriflyg AB JET8 arr 12:52 from ESSB dep 14:52 to ENGM
CS-CHB CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE988U/119D arr 16:03 from LIRQ dep 25th/11:15 to EGWU
CS-DXF Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE161U/022B arr 06:36 from LFPB dep 07:56 to LIML
CS-LTM Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE311Y/662T arr 12:36 from EDDB dep 14:34 to EDDL
N150QS Global 6000 NetJets inc. arr 10:26 from KMDW dep 26th/13:00 to LIRQ
OM-LAT Cessna 680 Elite Jet ELJ402/403 arr 11:11 from LKPR dep 27th/12:13 to LZIB
CS-CHC CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE537R/473Q arr 15:05 from LEMG dep 16:17 to EGHI
CS-DXZ Cessna 560XLS+ NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE844Q/237C arr 17:04 from LFMN dep 27th/08:40 to EIKY
OE-FPP Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC112N/001P arr 13:52 from EGKB dep 15:22 to EDDN
CS-CHI CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE216Y/871K arr 15:10 from ESSB dep 17:36 to EIDW
CS-EFF Cessna 560XLS+ Luxaviation Portugal LMJ332F/337F arr 14:04 from LFMD dep 28th/06:45 to LSZH
CS-LTC Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE114E/4XQ arr 12:02 from LFBZ dep 28th/08:37 to LKPR
CS-LTH Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE576T/714K arr 16:25 from LEMG dep 17:39 to EGWU
CS-LTK Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE807Y/218G arr 19:35 from LIML dep 28th/11:25 to EGNH
OE-FZA Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC679G/838J arr 09:55 from LEIB dep 11:05 to EHRD
LX-PCE Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA42X/19W arr 13:24 from LDDU dep 15:38 to EFHK
OE-FZA Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC727J/523B arr 10:56 from EHRD dep 13:22 to EGPE
OO-SLM Cessna 560XLS Luxaviation Belgium arr 18:14 from LEBL dep 29th/08:58 to EKCH
PH-CGV Falcon 2000LXS Air Alsie MMD3086/6917 arr 07:57 from EHAM dep 08:35 to EKRK
CS-LAS Cessna 680A NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE421E/CSLAS arr 10:32 from LFSB dep 12:47 to EBOS
CS-PHS CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE700T/097B arr 11:17 from LFMN dep 12:42 to LEGE
D-BONN Falcon 2000LX Jet Aviation Deutschland GmbH arr 08:10 from EDDK dep 17:27 to EDDK
LX-PCE Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA20X/67S arr 17:59 from EFHK dep 18:59 to EGBJ
OO-SLM Cessna 560XLS Luxaviation Belgium arr 19:27 from EKCH dep 30th/09:08 to LEBL
PH-CGV Falcon 2000LXS Air Alsie MMD6917/3086 arr 16:10 from LIML dep 17:54 to EHRD
PH-JWL Falcon 2000LXS Cartier Europe arr 18:20 from LSGG dep 18:53 to LDDU
CS-PHT EMB-505 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE660U/548A arr 18:41 from EDSB dep 02nd/08:12 to EGWU
LX-PCF Pilatus PC-24 JetFly Aviation SA JFA57L/89U arr 13:10 from LFPB dep 15:38 to LFMD
OE-FHK Cessna 510 GlobeAir AG GAC412D/679H arr 17:17 from EDDM dep 19:06 to LEIB
OK-SUN ERJ-135BJ ABS Jets ABP721 arr 19:44 from LKPR dep 03rd/13:09 to LKPR
PH-WTC Falcon 2000S Cartier Europe arr 19:50 from LFPB dep 03rd/16:41 to LSGG
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 04 Jul 2022, 20:45, edited 1 time in total.