NHT Wednesday 03rd August visitors,
CS-CHB CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE769Y/427P arr 16:39 from LZIB dep 04th/13:04 to LFMD
CS-CHH CL-350 NetJets Transportes Aereos NJE651P/396Y arr 16:08 from LFBD dep 17:18 to EGCC
D-AIRZ ERJ-135BJ Air Hamburg Luftverkehrs GmbH AHO770D/764N arr 15:24 from LICC dep 04th/15:26 to EGLF
D-ICEY Cessna 525 (CJ1+) Lenox KG arr 14:22 from EDDH dep 15:27 to EDDH
N632QS Cessna 680A NetJets Inc. arr 12:32 from LSZH dep 14:25 to EHAM
S5-BBC Cessna 560XLS+ Batagon arr 12:18 from LFKJ dep 18:34 to LIEO
VQ-BNZ G650ER Government of Jordan RJA950 arr 15:56 from OJAI dep 06th/13:40 to ENCN