As TLwG 51 is belonging to the NRF until June 2022 time will tell what this NATO standby to depart in max. seven days should mean for the wing itself, e.g. for participating at NTM Araxos etc.
Again a correction, but a report in the local newspaper confirmed the detachment of up to ten Tornados from Jagel to Hohn, departing the former and landing on the latter on July 14 and 15th. They will stay until the end of July.
Like Hohn Jagel will get four new arrester cable installations.
Noted on 30.06. during the morning mission were the following Tornado ECR of TLwG 51:
46+25, 46+28, 46+32, 46+40, 46+44 and 46+51.
Noted during the afternoon mission were ECR 46+25, 46+28, 46+40 and 46+44 plus IDS 45+59 and TLwG 33 IDS 45+00 (still on loan to TLwG 51).
Because of an WSOs last flight in 45+59 one four—ship, one two-ship and one last flighpast of 45+59 allone happened - all low and fast with break aways!
Sea Lynx Mk.88A 83+11 of MFG 5 flew one long mission for „Timber Express 2022“ and most presumably refueled at Heligoland.
Also noted in the exercises connection were GFD Learjet 35 D-CGFA and D-CGFN.
Landing at 14.00h were two Puma HC.2 (XW231 via ADSB) obviously crewed by No.230.Sqn. on some kind of sentimental „Tiger Tour“ journey and refueling at NTM unit bases.
Today they arrived from Posznan, also home of a NTM unit. Three weeks ago on June 16th they flew to the East along former RAF Gütersloh and also making a low overshoot above No.230.Sqn.‘s old home.
Both Pumas again refueled at Bückeburg. There they were identified as XW231/N and ZA940/V.
Six TLwG 51 Tornado ECR deployed to Waddington on 31.08. with 46+23, 46+25, 46+32, 46+49, 46+50 and 46+51 leaving Jagel for "Cobra Warrior 22-2".
The wing had a very good month and the technicans did a fine job with 24 different aircrafts active in August 2022:
IDS: 43+25, 43+59 (back from a long time as GIA at Kaufbeuren), 44+69, 45+13, 45+16, 45+59, 45+61, 45+70, 45+77 and 46+05
ECR: 46+23, 46+24, 46+25, 46+28, 46+32, 46+38, 46+40, 46+44, 46+45, 46+49, 46+50, 46+51, 46+54 and 46+55
Herr you can see an interview with the TLwG 51 Kommodore Oberst Jörg Schröder and the following was stated:
- the Heron TP UAV will arrive in the second half of 2023, a dozen will fly from here plus some Eurodrohnes as well, all in all up to 15 UAV
- Kropp barracks will get an international Air Photographing Centre for the UAVs
- the three Global Express PEGASUS will based at Jagel
- 39 Tornados are based here, 70% are flyable at any given time
- Tornados will fly until 2030, with an to be named type as a successor for the Tornado in TLwG 51 (time will tell what kind of jet, Eurofighters or others etc.)
One is the C-GVJL msn 60066 which was delivered to Hamburg on 20-jun-22, anyone for the other id's? c-GZQA/ 60061 perhaps? , flying around with German flag in all white colors.
Last edited by AK01 on 20 Nov 2022, 10:15, edited 1 time in total.