0944 dep G-OVEG DV20 EKOD
0959 PH-VES C172 EHTE touch and go
1014-1623 OO-ECB EC20 EBKW
1050 dep PH-PEK P28U EDHK - first flight under new registration, former G-SKYV
1211 dep PH-WTN P06T LFBU - on its way to new owner in Spain
1315-1338 PH-TDS DA40 EHAM, first touch and go's
1401-1425 PH-VDH DA62 EHRD, first touch and go's
1554 dep PH-DAS C172 EHRD
1608-1646 PH-BAE A210 EHSE
1614 PH-VES C172 EHHV - EHTE touch and go
1619 PH-ESB TOBA EHGG touch and go's
1650 arr D-EMZZ S22T EDLE
1947 PH-MLS TOBA EHGG touch and go's