Orange Jumper Nightshoot 10-11-2023

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Rene Klok
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Orange Jumper Nightshoot 10-11-2023

Post by Rene Klok »

The National Military Museum at former airbase Soesterberg organized a nightshoot of their latest addition; the infamous KLu test F-16 J-066 Orange Jumper. Unfortunately there was a light drizzle but other than that the circumstances were not too bad.



I also took the opportunity to take a few pics of the Atlantic and Troopship. They are normaly built in by restaurant tables and loads of people.



I hope you like the selection.
Groeten, Regards,

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Re: Orange Jumper Nightshoot 10-11-2023

Post by bvdboomen »

I like it. That drizzle makes the platform reflect which is very beautiful.
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Re: Orange Jumper Nightshoot 10-11-2023

Post by Alpha Kilo One »

En met een nieuwe verflaag zien ze er ook weer fatsoenlijk uit!
Leuk georganiseerd! Erg druk, maar dat mocht de pret niet drukken.
"Nix bliev wie it es"
patrick dirksen
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Re: Orange Jumper Nightshoot 10-11-2023

Post by patrick dirksen »

Was idd een fijne actie van het museum, en nog wel zonder enige toegangsprijs.
Waarom 'infamous' KLu testbak overigens?

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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