For the first time since March 2021 A400M 54+10 was noted back with LTG 62 at Wunstorf on 14.09. when it departed Manching after maintenance.
Noted on 14.09. was TBM-700A 105/XK of AAE/ET 00.043 and Gulfstream 650ER V-117 of KLu/334.Sqn. did its first visit. Global 6000 14+05 of FBS BMVg made one overshoot.
54+44 is the first A400M with a third centerline HDU in the loading ramp. To use this two fuel tanks capable of 6 tons fuel each could be installed in the fuselage.
54+44 will test the new HDU unit in the next months. With this installed and one or more fuel tanks in the fuselage it cannot be used for normal troop or other load transport missions.
54+10, 54+21 (Air Defender paint), 54+23, 54+25 and 54+26
Noted on the ramp were 54+03, 54+05, 54+20, 54+40 and 54+43 plus five more unidentified.
54+21 will loose it´s special paint in the next weeks/months.
Visiting was Eurofighter GS 30+61 of TLwG 73, departing later with an afterburner take off and a 30 second climb in afterburner!
Again a MFG 3 P-3C CUP arrived for some nice training approaches (touch and go´s, overshoots, a landing, an aborted take off and finally take off) in the shape of 60+03 (60+04 was doing the same here two days earlier on 20.11.!).
Overshooting was EC.135T1 82+57 of IntHubschrAusbZ.
A400M 54+21 of LTG 62 arrived at Hannover-Langenhagen on 1.12. for maintenance with Airbus until at least January. It is not yet known if it will actually loose it’s special colourscheme during this stay.