This morning around 09:00 hours an An-124 from Antonov Airlines landed at Gilze-Rijen to pick up two CH-47F's for the Dutch part of the NATO mission in Iraq. A week ago it was UR-82007 that picked up the first CH-47F (D-603) and now UR-82008 (the only An-124 from Antonov Airlines still missing in my log) was to pick up the final two (D-481 and D-484).
After loading the two Chinooks the Antonov took off again around 13:15 hours.
An-124_UR-82008_AntonovAirlines_01 by René Klok, on Flickr
An-124_UR-82008_AntonovAirlines_03 by René Klok, on Flickr
An-124_UR-82008_AntonovAirlines_06 by René Klok, on Flickr
An-124_UR-82008_AntonovAirlines_08a by René Klok, on Flickr
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