Dear all,
in March I was in Almaty for a family visit and used the opportunity take some pictures at Almaty International Airport. Spotting outside the airport is pretty easy. We were there for some time and nobody cared about us. Aircraft Traffic is also pretty interesting, both passenger and cargo aircraft.
The first batch of pictures is taken south of the runway, near the village Guldala. The last picture is from within the terminal.
Hope you enjoy this pictures.
Best regards, Christian
EI-KBD_ALA_240317_0380_k by Christian Wolf
EI-KGC_ALA_240317_0441_k by Christian Wolf
B-327B_ALA_240317_0465_K by Christian Wolf
B-LNZ_ALA_240317_0445_K by Christian Wolf
EI-KBD_ALA_240317_0387_k by Christian Wolf
EI-KGC_ALA_240317_0469_K by Christian Wolf
UP-Y4014_ALA_240317_0401_bearbeitet-1 by Christian Wolf
UP-83740_ALA_240317_0437_k by Christian Wolf
EI-KHE_ALA_240317_0336_K by Christian Wolf
SU-RSB_24_0402_Handybilder ALA IST_0056_k by Christian Wolf