On their route to the North and refueling here on 24.04. were:
Chinook HC.6A ZA707 (with Union Jack) of Odiham Wing plus 3.Regiment AAC Apache AH.2 ZM703, ZM705, ZM709, ZM710, ZM712, ZM713, ZM717, ZM718 and ZM720. Latter made their first visit of an AAC AH-64E model to Germany.
Most should arrive on 31st, but we have some participants who could arrive later (perhaps on Monday), or even earlier, due to the local holiday "Fronleichnam" on May 30st. TLwG 74 often make a long holiday on this weekend and not open the base on the Friday, the Swiss and Polish arrival could perhaps also hampered by this. I dont now the handling by their air forces.
Landing on 22.05. at 10.49h and obviously not connected with NTM was P180AM MM62161 of 311.Gruppo/RSV. It refueled en route from Visby to Practica di Mare.
The first four Eurofighter GS of TLwG 74 arrived on 28.05. before noon for their longer stay and NTM at Jagel. These are 30+45, 30+53, 30+69 and 30+74.