Oct 1 is the Korean Armed Forces Day. On Tue and Wed Sep 24/25 resp there were many aircraft participating in the flyover rehearsal over Seoul.
Seosan 20 FW participated with the following F-16's on Tue: 92-002, 92-007, 92-034, 92-036, 93-088, 93-093, 93-105, 93-118, 01-517, 01-520, 01-527.
Cheongju 17 FW participated with the following F-35's on Wed: 18-002, 21-032, 21-040, +1 spare.
On Wed the flyover started around 11:45 and lasted about 5 minutes. The order was as follows witnessed from Osan:
P-8A and 2X F-16's
6X F-16's
5X F-5's
4X FA(T)-50's
7X F-35's
7X F-15's
3X F-16's
The P-8 and two F-16's started their run several miles west of Osan so I imagine there were other heavies involved flying that same route. The fighters all came straight overhead Osan inbound Seoul. Unfortunately, those all went unidentified.