337 Quest Kodiak 100 RTA 21st Av Btn BLACKBIRD07 arr 13:35 from VTBD dep 13th/08:06 to VTPP
L8-5/31 60105 C-130H-30 RTAF 601 Sqn LUCKY625 arr 16:08 from VTBD dep 17:37 to VTSB
L16k-3/66 60303 ATR72-600 RTAF 603 Sqn COWBOY213 arr 17:11 from VTBD dep 18:19 to VTUD
This preceeding week will have seen the annual RTAF bombing competition operating from here. From these visitors it is apparent that 211 Sqn, 231 Sqn and 701 Sqn were operating from here with detachments of their jets.