L15K-1/58 60203 A320-214 CJ RTAF 602 Sqn WIHOK03 arr 09:11 from VTBD dep 15:05 to VTBD
33742 Falcon 2000LX RTPA RTP742 arr 18:45 from VTBD dep 19:00 to VTBD
Last edited by Le Addeur noir on 21 Jan 2025, 20:02, edited 2 times in total.
L8-11/35 60111 C-130H-30 RTAF 601 Sqn LUCKY02 arr 15:30 from VTSB dep 16:11 to VTBD
1124 EMB-135LR RTA AATD MATULEE124 arr 09:46 from VTBD dep 10:20 to VTBD