Ramstein (ETAR/RMS) - 2007

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Post by andel »

Can somebody tell if Friday the 6th (Good Friday) quiet hours are in order.
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Post by Elmar »

Hi all,

After spending the morning at Florennes I decided to make the trip to the Ramstein area for the 4 (needed) TDY C-130's and the expected RC-12's at Wiesbaden. Unfortenatly from the 10 expected RC-12's only two filed a flightplan with a late ETA at Wiesbaden and with well known numbers for me. So decided not to go to Wiesbaden and travel home via Spang. The results of these two days..Only visiting and TDY ones...
Anyone interesting in the based ones and civvies please send me a PM

Ramstein 30-03-07
C-5A 70-0447 445th AMW AFRC Rch785T arr
C-5A 70-0464 137th AS NY ANG Rch187
C-5B 86-0023 nb/439th AW AFRC
C-17A 93-0603 437th AW Rch129 arr
C-17A 01-0197 437th AW Rch969 arr
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG Rch021 dep
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG Rch517T arr
C-17A 05-5140 452nd AMW AFRC
C-17A 05-5145 452nd AMW AFRC
C-130E 62-1847 43rd AW
C-130H 82-0059 144th AS AK ANG HKY88 arr
C-130H 82-0061 144th AS AK ANG KOO06 arr
C-130H 86-1391 180th AS MO ANG HKY719 arr
C-130H 86-1392 180th AS MO ANG HKY89 arr
C-5 70-0464 did RTB after about one hour with problems and C-17
01-0197 did arrive Ramstein at about midnight

Ramstein 31-03-07
C-5A 69-0012 137th AS NY ANG Rch9012 arr
C-5A 70-0447 445th AW AFRC
C-5A 70-0464 137th AS NY ANG
C-5B 87-0023 nb/439th AW AFRC Rch6023 dep
C-17A 90-0533 437th AW Rch131 arr
C-17A 93-0603 437th AW Rch129 dep
C-17A 99-0062 62nd AW Rch9062/998 arr/dep
C-17A 00-0179 62nd AW Rch295 arr
C-17A 01-0197 437th AW
C-17A 02-1112 183rd AS MS ANG Rch021 arr
C-17A 03-3113 183rd AS MS ANG Rch517T dep
C-17A 05-5140 452nd AMW AFRC
C-17A 05-5145 452nd AMW AFRC
C-17A 05-5151/HH 204th AS HI ANG Rch250 arr
C-17A 06-6158 60th AMW Rch6158 arr
C-37A 01-0076 309th AS Spar76 arr/dep
C-130E 62-1847 43rd AW
C-130H 82-0059 144th AS AK ANG HKY20 dep
C-130H 82-0061 144th AS AK ANG
C-130H 86-1391 180th AS MO ANG
C-130H 86-1392 180th AS MO ANG
KC-135R 57-2606 116th ARS WA ANG Rch643 arr
KC-135R 58-0121 465th ARS AFRC Okie95 arr

Hope it helps someone...

Elmar :thumb:
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Post by Jorg en Lindsey »

Hello all,

Last friday (30-03) we had a ItAF P.180 departing in the morning. Unfortunatly we were not able to read off the serial. Did anyone get it?
Or was it the same one that (arrived?) monday 26th?

thnx in advance
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Post by Melchior Timmers »

Yes, was the same (MM62201)

Melchior Timmers
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Eric van Lisdonk
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RMS 30-03-07

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Hi Elmar,

You have to change your C-17 03-3113 in 03-3118.
It departed on the 31th with the same callsign.

The Italian P-180 on the 30th was indeed the MM62201

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Post by Jorg en Lindsey »

Here is our log from 2 days RS.


70-0464 C-5A 105 AW
01-0196 C-17A 437 AW
02-1112 C-17A 172 AW
03-3117 C-17A 172 AW
05-5140 C-17A 452 AMW
06-6161 C-17A 60 AMW
70-1260/RS C-130E 86 AW
70-1274/RS C-130E 86 AW
82-0059 C-130H 176 WG
82-0061 C-130H 176 WG
86-1391 C-130H 139 AW
86-1392 C-130H 139 AW
57-2606 KC-135R 116 ARS
60-0331/D KC-135R 351 ARS
63-8020/D KC-135R 351 ARS
77-0355/OK E-3B 964 AACS

86-0023 C-5BB 436 AW
88-0265 C-17A 97 AMW
96-0008 C-17A 437 AW
99-0169 C-17A 62 AW
02-2112 C-17A 172 AW
03-3117 C-17A 172 AW
03-3118 C-17A 172 AW
05-5140 C-17A 452 AMW
05-5145 C-17A 452 AMW
06-6161 C-17A 60 AMW
84-0082 C-21A 86 AW
91-0502 C-26D AOD Naples
62-1847 C-130E 43 AW
63-7865/RS C-130E 86 AW
63-7897/RS C-130E 86 AW
64-0527/RS C-130E 86 AW
64-17681/RS C-130E 86 AW
70-1264/RS C-130E 86 AW
82-0061 C-130H 176 WG
57-2606 KC-135R
MM62201 P.180 71gr
86Th AW
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Post by 86Th AW »

ETAR 02Apr.2007

N355MC 743 "GTI8456" KDOV-ETAR
N14075 D1C "WOA8035" KBWI-ETAR
N402LC LYC C-130

50+82 C-160D LTG-63
87-0039 C-5B Dover „RCH7039“
69-0012 C-5A Stewart „RCH151“
84-0190 KC-10A McGuire „RCH4190“
81-0962 A-10A, 52FW
81-0966 A-10A, 52FW
62-1847 C-130E Pope
82-0059 C-130H AK
82-0061 C-130H AK
86-1391 C-130H MO
86-1392 C-130H MO
900530 C-26B Sigonella
90-0534 C-17A Charleston „RCH534“
01-0197 C-17A Charleston „RCH969“
02-1108 C-17A McChord „RCH2108“
02-1110 C-17A McChord „RCH305“
03-3114 C-17A Mississippi
04-4133 C-17A McGuire „RCH4133“
05-5139 C-17A March „RCH529“
05-5140 C-17A March „RCH5140“
05-5145 C-17A March „RCH529“
06-6158 C-17A Travis „RCH6158“
06-6160 C-17A Travis „RCH127“

Landstuhl 02Apr.2007

82-23751 UH-60A 159Med. Co.
88-26020 UH-60A 236Med. Co.
88-26023 UH-60A 236Med. Co.
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Post by Thijs »

Two new TDY Herc's for Ramstein?
RCH340 departed Prestwick at 1135LT for ETAR operated by C130H 86-1398
RCH559 departed Prestwick at 1118L for ETAR operated by 86-1393 C-130H
Assume makes an ASS of U and ME.
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Post by Melchior Timmers »

Ramstein 03apr07 (12:30 - 14:30LT)

C-5A 69-0012
C-5B 85-0008
KC-10A 84-0190
C-17A 03-3118
C-17A 05-5139
C-17A 05-5145
C-130 82-0059
C-130 86-1391
C-130 86-1392
KC-135R 58-0067
KC-135R 61-0314
Dominie T1 XS731

Last edited by Melchior Timmers on 05 Apr 2007, 10:45, edited 3 times in total.
Melchior Timmers
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Post by Thijs »

Moguh Mel :lol:
C-17A 03-311.
03-3114 C-17A Mississippi was seen on 2 April
Assume makes an ASS of U and ME.
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Eric van Lisdonk
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RS 03-04-07

Post by Eric van Lisdonk »

Hi all,

For your info. C-17A 03-3114 departed before the time that team Melchior arrived. A new arrival that morning was 03-3118. So this must be your Mississippi Globe.

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Post by The Master »

Just a heads up..!! Just gone over Yorkshire (uk) was reach2112 heading into europe so could be coming into hear..!!

Last edited by The Master on 05 Apr 2007, 16:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Melchior Timmers »

At this moment at Ramstein are:

82-0056 C-130H 176Wing/AK ANG
82-0059 C-130H 176Wing/AK ANG
82-0060 C-130H 176Wing/AK ANG
82-0061 C-130H 176Wing/AK ANG
86-1391 C-130H 139AW/MO ANG
86-1392 C-130H 139AW/MO ANG
86-1393 C-130H 139AW/MO ANG
86-1398 C-130H 139AW/MO ANG
87-0126 MC-130H 352nd SOG

84-0093 C-21A 375th AW

4 ANG C-130's will leave tomorrow:

2x AK at 11.00 and 11.15 local
2x MO at 14.00 and 15.00 local

Melchior Timmers
Editor Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
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Post by andel »

While working on our suntan (20+ degrees and clear blue skies)
Some photo,s where taken too.
So here the is log from yesterday of the moving aircraft after quiet hours ended at 1 o,clock
04-4132 C-17 arr
900531 C-26 arr
01-0187 C-17 arr
02-0203 C-40C arr
02-1105 C-17 arr
70-0456 C-5 dep
03-3118 C-17 dep
06-6159 C-17 dep
01-0190 C-17 dep
58-0067 KC-135 dep
84-0085 C-21 arr
89-1190 C-17 arr
and some one for the number of the UH-60 that made an approach but breaked away just before entering the airfield :evil:
Furthermore 4 C-130 deprted but no numbers from them :cry:
2 where Alaska ANG 1 MO and 1 RS Herc.
Greeting,s Mark
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Post by Melchior Timmers »

This might help you:

82-0056 144th AS C-130H dep. 13:05
82-0060 144th AS C-130H dep. 13:26
86-1393 180th AS C-130H dep. 13:43
86-1398 180th AS C-130H dep. 13:46

Melchior Timmers
Editor Scramble Magazine
PO Box 75545
1118 ZN Schiphol
The Netherlands
E-mail: melchior.timmers@scramble.nl
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