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The subject has gotten a little lost I guess. Operational militairy Dakotas
They have gotten really rare. The only ones I can think of where the ones I saw at Hellinikon in 99 and Hondurans at Tegucigalpa in 03. But non of these moved when I was there.
Well, operational... Looks like the storage site at Snake Valley AFS to me (am I correct?). Nice picture though, including one of the more sinister conversions in front.
This one was spotted and photographed while visiting the South African Air Force Museum at Swartkop.
It was circling the airport for some time before finally settling for a landing.
Well, operational... Looks like the storage site at Snake Valley AFS to me (am I correct?). Nice picture though, including one of the more sinister conversions in front.
The one in the front is equipped with PT6 Turboprop engines instead of the original Radial engines.
They all have been upgraded to C-47TP standard (apart from the two oldies with the SAAF Historic Flight), that's not what I meant. Take a look at the large number of antennae on the belly, the strange looking devices on top of the fuselage and note the absence of windows...
Haven't seen operational Thai onces posted yet so far. To bad the quality is poor, this is due to the distance to the subject. I'm sorry, but I haven't got any other pictures of operational Thai Dak's:
Its a long time ago, but in the '80s I went to Nimes Garons.
Photographed 14 operational dakota's ! And some Crusaders, N262, BR1050 Alize and Br 1150 Atlantic....
This are my first scans from this rainy but unforgettable day...
Janos wrote:I know. De Uiver is not a Dakota DC-3 but a DC-2. Whatever!!
I'm not even sure that a DC.3 is a Dakota. A C-47 technically isn't even a Dakota. As far as I know DC.3 is the civil name for the military Skytrain. It was the Brits that subsequently named its aircraft 'Dakota' in RAF service... Since this topic reads 'operational military Dakotas' it shouldn't even have included the Greek C-47 with which this whole topic started... bla bla...well, goodnight
This Dakota came from South African AF.
The NTPS (National Test Pilot School) use her now for Traninig FLIR and Radar equipment.
She get also Turboprops.