Een vriend van me die nu in Engeland aan het spotten is heeft grote problemen met zijn EOS 20D. Zodra hij hem aanzet blijft deze automatisch foto's maken, waarbij er 'err 99' in zijn display verschijnt. Weet iemand:
1) Wat het probleem is?
2) Wat er aan te doen is?
3) Hoe je deze camera kan resetten / factory settings terugzetten zonder gebruik te (kunnen) maken van de menu structuur?
De nood is hoog, toen hij mij belde hoorde ik verschillende Eagles op de achtergrond...
(batterij erin en eruit, andere lenzen erop of andere geheugenkaarten hebben het probleem tot op heden nog niet opgelost)
A friend of mine has problems with his EOS 20D. When he put the camera on, it's automaticaaly starting making pictures. On it's display he got an 'err 99'
Does anybody know:
1) What the problem is?
2) How it can be solved?
3) How you can reset the camera or restore the factory defaults, without using the menu structure?
(He's allready tried changing the battery, lenses and memory cards)
1. Try another CF card or try to format the one you use
2. Clean your lens contacts or make sure nothing is betweens te camera and your lens
3. Make sure your battery is full
4. lens / accu change etc didnt help?
5. Send to canon? or repair center?
Ive had this with my 300d and could not get rid of this error, so I had of sent it to a repair shop... but they told me nothing was wrong when they checked it.. but they replaced the shutter..
Hope something will help because this really sucks especially when you're on trip.
The removal of the 3V battery didn't work either. After the 3V was back in place he wanted to put the normal battery back, on first contact (before totally inserted) the shutter went off several times!
I understood from him, if you press any button when the camera is off, the shutter is released!
I had this last year when I had no shelter during a sudden rainshower. Shower lasted a few seconds, but the camera started to shoot automatically and did so after I switched it on again.
Tried to dry it, but kept 'shooting' the moment it went "on". Eventually I used a spare camera and let my own camera rest/dry a bit. After 3 days it worked perfectly again.
So, did he use it in the rain? Sounds like something that won't be solved during his trip.
Probleem van een err99 is dat deze alle storingen die geen eigen nummer hebben err99 krijgen. Betekent dus simpel weg dat iedereen die deze error krijgt een andere storing zou kunnen hebben.