Question - L-39 (ES-TLB / ESTLE)

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Question - L-39 (ES-TLB / ESTLE)

Post by r.e.hendriks »

Hi all,

can someone make this clear to me??

In 2005 I saw ES-TLB L-39 Breitling Team, some sources say this is ex-GAF 28+17 with c/n 731021.

This week a L-39 of Skyline visited Eindhoven, ES-TLE. Sources on internet say this is ex-GAF 28+17 with c/n 731021.

So the same history....
Is this the same aircraft, which is not likely to me.

Anyone more info on these two jets??

Thanks a lot, Rob.
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Post by RW.Laskewitz »

ES-TLB is still with Breitling Team.

In 2005 when the ES-TLB was first noted the "28+17" was still in pieces within the Skyline that tie-up was not correct at that time.

So in theory it's possible that the "28+17" is the ES-TLE now.... I do know that when the ES-YLZ left Leeuwarden on 31 August it went to Estonia. A few days later the TLE was first noted at De Kooy.

Perhaps someone was able to check the inventory of the Skyline hangar during the last airshow at De Kooy to check the status of the (various) L-39's??
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Post by Otto »

There was only one L-39 inside the Skyline hangar during the Heldairshow: L-39V 28_49
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L-39V 28+49

Post by erik_kamphuis »

Question about the L-39V 28+49 seen at the Heldair show: was the fuselage still in yellow primer en the tail and wings in the old NVA colours (yel/white)? We were August 30th at De Kooy and saw through the window of the Skylinehangar a yellow fuselage and thought we saw a second one behind it (a second canopy, and the above mentioned wings and tail in old c/s). So was it one L-39 we saw the 30th and/or what is the serial of the one in primer?

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Post by Polleke_NL »

Fuselage wasn't in primer but in white top side with yellow/tan underside seperated by a thin black stripe...., have no idea about the tail though
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