
ImageImageLogs and news for those airports and airfields in The Netherlands not covered in the subforums.

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De Verrekieker
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
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Joined: 01 Jan 2006, 18:01
Type of spotter: Allround
Subscriber Scramble: Indeed
Location: Purmerend, 75 KM from NAS De Kooy


Post by De Verrekieker »

On saturday 17-11-2007 during my 2 day's of ISK at the Harskamp we were diturbed in the morning while a hot air baloon whith 3 bearheads and Robijn subtitles crosses life firing area at low altitude (nice practice target :lol: ). at that same day a Robinson was all day hoovering in the neighbourhood. Is there a private heliport? In the afternoon 2 hot air baloons were crossing at high altetude a red with white text and a green/yellow one with Unive text. Does anyone have the serials for me please? Thanks in advance.
Greetz Elvin Cornelissen.
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Post by EHAM »

There supposed to be a helipad in Harskamp (Broekweg 5A) (never checked it out) from Wikselaar Satelite Trading. They have two choppers:

Joost de Wit
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De Verrekieker
Scramble Die-Hard
Scramble Die-Hard
Posts: 702
Joined: 01 Jan 2006, 18:01
Type of spotter: Allround
Subscriber Scramble: Indeed
Location: Purmerend, 75 KM from NAS De Kooy

Post by De Verrekieker »

Thanks, I will check that next time when i'm there. The Robinson i saw i thought it was a 44 and red but it was hardly to see against the sun.
Greetz Elvin Cornelissen.
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